What can we do for you?
Wood is a natural and sustainable construction material that has been used for thousands of years. Growing trees has a beneficial impact on the environment by 'locking up' CO2. If there is a use for the timber produced, more trees will be planted and more CO2 will be locked away meaning that using timber from sustainably managed forests, can actually be better than carbon neutral. Building a typical three bedroom house using a timber frame can save 3 Tonnes of CO2 helping to contribute towards our low carbon future and commitments.
The environmental benefits of timber come with a catch! Being a natural product, it will weather, be destroyed by insects and fungi and will burn. All these process will lead to the release of the embodied CO2 to the atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle.
Delaying or stopping the degrade or burning of wood will not only extend the useful life of wood, protect property and life but will keep the CO2 locked away. The Sentrin range of protection services from PTG Treatments helps wood perform for longer.