About PTG Treatments
Welcome to PTG Treatments


Welcome to our site and thank you for your interest.
We have been protecting wood since 1995, although the roots of the company go back 50 years to the days of Phoenix Timber Group, one of the first large importers of timber in the UK.
The positive benefits of using timber as the most environmentally sustainable building material are undisputed. Using wood in construction effectively locks away the CO2 that has been used by the tree to make the wood in the first place. We can then grow more trees and lock away even more CO2. Leaving forests to their own devices and not removing this embodied CO2 is environmentally counter intuitive. When trees eventually die, they rot away and release their CO2 back to the environment. Eventually a forest will become carbon neutral and no longer be a 'carbon sink' but become carbon neutral.
Being a natural product, wood inevitably rots, gets eaten or burns and eventually is returned to the earth for nature to reuse. That's where we come in. By using the most advanced techniques available we can stop or slow down these natural processes and thereby make wood more useful. We also lock away that pesky CO2 in a very useful and versatile material!
PTG Treatments is the largest dedicated provider of industrial timber protection service in the UK. Our Treatment Centres located throughout the country cater for local and national customers with a full range of timber protection products and services.
Wood is a natural, versatile, sustainable and visually appealing construction material. Application of modern preservative and fire retardant treatments helps to ensure these properties are maintained for many years. At the same time we are helping to conserve the global forest resource, by extending the useful life of perishable timbers and wood based panels.
​If you would like to learn more about how we can protect your timber and keep it looking beautiful, please get in touch.